Just put the finishing touches to the audio and video for the install...
The audio recorded is from kilns going on and off, throwing wheels running and other mechanical sounds, slowed down and manipulated. I...

Installing Marion Stuart Whirlwind
I felt it important to include this as each exhibition installation brings new lessons to be learnt. We knew there would be issues with...

Back home to another puzzle
On my first class back Alice has posed me another problem, she had discovered a roman pottery item with a question. It is a sealed ball,...

The flight home, found maps and repetitive images
Nothing to add really....

Parallels between James Turrell – Skyspace Seldom Seen and here
As I was walking around I noticed this and it took me back to James Turrell's – Skyspace Seldom Seen and the sense of calm and stillness...

More Mortaria.....
One of the things I discussed with Alice was the curious thing that the pestle was never found with the mortar in digs. I posed the...

Relics and reliquaries
I found a fascinating link/ parallel to my enquiries with religious reliquaries and relics to the urn burial and hydriotaphia. I still...

The Nunnery at the Museum
I didn't get a chance to look here yesterday , but I needed to see the Grandeur of the interior Chapel of the Nunnery. What I didnt...

The Museum church
One of the things that took my attention was the untouched paintings in this church, they had an obvious sense of wear and 'belonging in...

Workshop day 2
Having never worked with a translator before was an unusual situation, trying to explain that I wasn't using a hairdryer but a heat gun...