other curios
Spencer took me to the offices in the museum to show me a team of people cataloguing cast sections of figures from the Derby pottery. He...

Glazed test piece ready out the kiln
Really interesting to put this work alongside some brickwork. This is very obviously brick clay and not fine China, but still not sure of...
Email to Nicholas Gent- Pinxton porcelain society
I have been given your email by Spencer Bailey at Derby Museum as I have made an appointment to view Pinxton Porcelain at the museum. I...

Electric kiln to gas kiln ???
SO the broken electric kiln, I am thinking of adding steel to so that I can fire a really large piece of work for the core sample I have...

Work fired to bisque temperature
So the work is out, think I will need to spend some time away from these pieces to see how I feel about them....

More throwing and drying......
Thrown pots waiting now to fire. Also had a go at a 15lb pot with coiled additions. The clay is too sandy for this I think now and it...

Personal history - Mansfield Woodhouse Quarry
When I was a teenager , my father worked as an electrician at a quarry in Mansfield Woodhouse. We moved house within the boundaries of...

Shapes in nature
came across these shell pieces on a dog walk today and made me consider some other shapes I had seen and vessel possibilities.