Thoughts about WIP proposal-experiments in other media
Up until now I hadn't really got a clear picture in my head about what I should do for the interim show. I have had a number of ideas in my head for several days now but being asked by the curation team what | intend to show has solidified my thinking a bit. I want to experiment with a few ideas about creating an environment for the work to exist in , which is multi sensory, to try and ascertain what works in order to direct perception and decide whether I should be doing that at all. I have nothing to lose, I don't think, in trying ideas out.
Many years ago I had experimented with film and I write music and at times still do so. I have experimented with sound-scapes in the past and I wondered how some of these things might work together.
If they do, do they enhance the work or not and are they necessary.
I think I would like to try to put the work in a dark area, with controlled light and sound.....