Roger Law at the SCVA
Roger Law at the SCVA. When I heard about the Sainsburys centres exhibition of Roger Laws ceramics, I wasn't initially that interested as I had seen his work a few years earlier at 'Collect' in London and although the work was interesting, I had only seen bowls and platters. I did however at that point get a chance to meet him and have a chat about his work then. These pieces in particular seem a world apart from what I saw then, despite the technique being similar. the larger vessels struck a chord with me as the scale was what I was looking to achieve. I obviously don't have access to kilns large enough for the work he is showing at the moment, but then it also seems he had to go to China to get the right size kiln and access teams of people or rather, craftsmen to turn his ideas into ceramics pieces. It did raise the question once again as to who takes credit and who is the artist or artisan. These pieces are beautiful but the debate remains as to when work stops being your own. I know there is an age old conversation here about all great artists running workshops to create pieces of artwork and the viability of work production as one person. I have not yet resolved this thinking.
I really like the immediacy of the ink drawings on show, which doesn't transcribe into clay all that well
I was intrigued by the story of a satirist who has re invented himself from the world of spitting image into the ceramic world.